2025 Bradford-Union Youth Goat Show 
Rules and Guidelines

Show Check-In: Saturday, March 1, 2025 @ 8:00 AM
Show Date: Saturday, March 1, 2025 @ 10:00 AM
Show Location:  Bradford County Fairgrounds Livestock Arena
Show Superintendents: Lisa Holtzendorf – 352-258-0987
or Lizzie Whitehead/Bailea Scarbrough – 904-966-6224

The goats will arrive on Saturday, March 1st from 8:00 AM – 9:00 AM. The show will be on Saturday, March 1st, 2025, at 10:00 AM in the Livestock Arena.  The goats will be released after the entire show has been completed and the arena and holding area are clean from all manure, hay, and trash.

Health Rules:

All goats consigned for public exhibition in Florida must be covered by an Official Health Certificate issued by an accredited veterinarian certifying the animals to be free from symptoms of contagious or infectious diseases. This health certificate is to be obtained within 90 days of the Youth Goat Show and will be inspected upon arrival.

Per State of Florida regulations, all animals must be participating in the scrapie eradication program and have a scrapie tag OR be registered by a breed association and have a legible tattoo and a certificate of registration.  

  • Order your scrapie tag at 866-873-2824. Tags are free and come with an ear tag applicator.  Be sure to order in advance and allow at least 2 weeks to arrive.
  • If you purchase from a breeder, the breeder should tag goat (per Florida law) and you will not need to order scrapie tags.
  • Electronic microchips or implants may be used, they must be accompanied by an

owner statement (OCVI) that includes the microchip numbers and the name of the

manufacturer. Owner/agents must have a chip reader to verify placement, The Microchip number must be listed on the OCVI the same as a Scrapie Tag number.


The Youth Goat show is open to 4-H and FFA members in Bradford and Union Counties.  

Ages for each division are as follows (age as of September 1, 2024):

  • PeeWee Division: 5-7 – PeeWee Show ONLY
  • Junior Division: 8-10
  • Intermediate Division: 11-13 
  • Senior Division: 14 and Up


  • No buck entries will be accepted. Only doe and wether entries will be allowed.  
  • Each Junior, Intermediate, and Senior exhibitor may have up to 4 entries, but only one entry per class. Classes will be determined by division and age of goat. Please note that classes and divisions may be combined due to lower participation. Exhibitors will be notified of these changes prior to show. 
  • Entries will be accepted by pre-registration onlyRegistration deadline is Friday, December 20th by 4:00 PM. Registration forms should be submitted to the Bradford County Extension Office. All information on the entry form must be accurate and updated to date on the form. Changing animal information after registration will not be allowed.
  • All exhibitors should be a member in good standing in Bradford or Union County 4-H or FFA. Please speak to your club leader/advisor to determine minimum standards. 
  • All exhibitors are expected to seek out at least one show sponsor of $50.00 or more by the mandatory meeting in January. Fundraising letters will be provided as well as receipts for tax purposes. 

Entry Fees: 

  • $35.00 per entry for Goat Show (Ages 8 and Up) Maximum of four (4) entries. 
  • $20.00 per entry for PeeWee Show (Ages 5-7)
  • No entry fee for Showmanship Contest (Ages 8 and up)
  • Cash or check is due at time of registration. Checks should be made payable to the Bradford County 4-H Association.

Record Books:

  • Junior, Intermediate and Senior exhibitors are required to complete a 4-H or FFA goat project record book. Failure to complete the entire record book will result in the exhibitor not being able to show. 
  • “PeeWees” (ages 5-7) may complete a Cloverbud Project Book (available at Extension Office). Cloverbud are not required to complete a project book but are highly encouraged to. 
  • All goat project record books are to be turned into the Bradford County Extension Office by February 15, 2025.

Mandatory Meeting:

  • Exhibitors must attend the mandatory meeting in order to show. If an exhibitor is unable to attend due to school related events or other extenuating circumstances, please contact the show superintendent.
  • Mandatory Meeting is Monday, January 6 at 6:30 PM at the Bradford County Extension Office. Location may change depending on the number of entries. 

General Rules and Information for Exhibitors:

  • The Bradford County Fair Association or the Bradford/Union County Extension Service will assume no liability for the loss or injury to any goat and/or exhibitor participating in this show.
  • Goats MUST remain on their trailer until the FDACS health inspector approves their health certificate and animals at check-in.
  • FDACS requires all goats must be either ear tagged, ear tattooed, or microchipped for a health certificate. 
  • Goats are not allowed in any fair building or barn areas, only designated show area and holding area. Until time of show, exhibitors are expected to hold animal in their trailer. 
  • Wash racks are not available for cleaning your goats, please do this prior to the show. All clipping and last-minute grooming must be done at your trailer, not in the fair barns. Exhibitors must provide their own generator.
  • Exhibitors must provide their own feed, water, and hay for their animals.
  • Exhibitor is responsible for the care and clean-up of any area used at the Bradford County Fairgrounds. Shavings, hay, manure, etc. MUST BE REMOVED BEFORE LEAVING THE GROUNDS!
  • All goats must be shown with a leather chain collar in the Goat Show and Showmanship Contest. A rope halter or collar may be used in the PeeWee Show. 
  • Parents/guardians are not allowed in the show ring unless prior arrangements have been made with the show superintendent. 
  • Dairy goats must be dehorned. It is recommended that all other goats have their horns blunted (meaning no sharp edges).
  • Junior, Intermediate & Senior exhibitors are required to wear 4-H or FFA attire.  All exhibitors must wear black jeans and closed toe shoes.
  • All exhibitors and families MUST help clean the arena, holding area, parking area, and walkways before signing out their premium money at the conclusion of the show.


PeeWee Show: for exhibitors ages 5-7 (age as of September 1, 2024) 

The PeeWee Show is a fun, non-competitive event where younger exhibitors can gain experience showing goats and receive participation awards. 

  • Exhibitors may have assistance from any one person they choose to help them in the ring, preferably an older youth 4-H or FFA member. 
  • Pee Wees will not be judged, but ALL exhibitors will receive a participation award.

Goat Show: for exhibitors ages 8 and up (age as of September 1, 2024)

In the Goat Show, the focus is on the goat’s conformation, meaning how well its physical structure and body traits meet the breed standards. 

  • The judge will use the Modified Danish System, with each goat receiving a blue, red, or white ribbon based on its quality. 
  • The judge will rank all goats in each class determining class winner.
  • The judge will choose a Grand Champion and Reserve Grand Champion in each division. 
  • Divisions will include:
    • Dairy Breeding Does 
    • Meat Breeding Does 
    • Pygmy Breeding Does 
    • Market Wethers
  • Please note that classes and divisions may be combined due to lower participation. Exhibitors will be notified of these changes prior to show. 

Showmanship Contest: for exhibitors ages 8 and up (age as of September 1, 2024) 

In the Showmanship Contest, the focus is on the exhibitor’s ability to handle and present their goat. Exhibitors will be judged on their presentation, presentation of their animal, and proper fitting and grooming.

  • The judge will place the top three showmen in each division.
  • Divisions will include: 
    • Junior Showmanship: Ages 8-10 (as of September 1, 2024) 
    • Intermediate Showmanship: Ages 11-13 (as of September 1, 2024) 
    • Senior Showmanship: Ages 14 and up (as of September 1, 2024) 

Goat Skillathon:

To Be Determined

The Bradford-Union Youth Goat Show reserves the right to amend the information in this document at any time as necessary.