Welcome to the 2024 Bradford Agricultural Fair where our theme this year is “BUCKETS OF FUN.” Bradford and Union Counties have a long rich history of farming and related industries. The Bradford Agricultural Fair is THE PREMIER EVENT each year to showcase the animals and plant life representing so many generations of Bradford and Union County families. In fact, at the 2023 fair, the total sales for all cattle and swine animals brought in over $400,000 for the students involved in FFA and 4-H.
The Bradford Agricultural Fair not only supports these young people and their families, it promotes related businesses and industries. There are exhibits from local merchants, churches and individuals demonstrating their crafts. Deggeller Entertainment will once again bring thrilling rides and games for all ages on the expanded midway.
You will notice the fair has had a building expansion! Thanks in part to a second grant ($3,000,000) from the State of Florida, we were able to complete the long-awaited barns area. Dedicated to cattle and swine, as well as the chicken and rabbit area, these barns augment the main arena, making it possible to hold major events throughout the year. We have also raised the level of the entire midway property at least 6 inches, which made significant drainage improvements. The continued construction of our facilities will give Bradford County citizens something to be proud of when totally completed.
On behalf of the entire Fair Association Board of Directors, I want to encourage all fair attendees to show courtesy and respect to other fairgoers, workers and visitors to our great county. Let’s make the 2024 fair a safe and enjoyable environment, and have Buckets of Fun!
Bob Milner, Fair President